And SHARE Atlanta's Tree...
Sign-up for Festival Committee"
The Festival of Trees is Atlanta’s premier holiday event
Benefits Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Egleston’s Festival of Trees…doing something to show that our babies are real and special to us while raising money to benefit the health of precious children. Our decorated tree will be judged and then sold by the festival to raise money for Egleston's Children's program for the The Carlos and Marguerite Mason Transplant Center. . It will be viewed and appreciated by over 100,000 visitors!
When and Where
a. Tuesday, November 28 - 1 to 9 pm - This is the date we are decorating the tree.
Festival of Trees statement of Personal Safety: Due to insurance regulations, no children under 16 will be allowed on the floor duirng set-up and breakdown. This includeds babies in backpacks and strollers.
Sibling participation...
SHARE Atlanta encourages sibling's pre-festival participation: if your baby’s sibling wishes to have an ornament from him/her in memory of his/her sibling. Please include this information on any donation. They can 'visit' the finished tree, and the children's activities at the festival are wonderful!. I took my boys there every year to start the holiday season!
SHARE Atlanta's Plan - 2006
SHARE Atlanta's theme “Snow Angel Topper"...Forever in our hearts” for Memorial Tree
The tree is provided, at a cost of $100., by the festival then we are to decorate it. We will need to buy lights and additional decorations (other than the ornaments donated by our parents and families) for the tree.
Our SHARE Atlanta parents, grandparents, friends, etc. will donate ornaments that go along with our Snow Angel Topper. We will include our baby’s name in our own “memorial” handout, online, and on the tree so others will know that we will not forget these little ones. We will also include pictures of the tree on our website.
"Festival Committee"
You can be a part of either or both the pre-planning and Nov. set-up, just let me know that you are interested in participating.
SHARE Atlanta will cover the costs involved and hopefully further donations will help us...
We are pleased that we will have another opportunity for outreach and for remembering our special children.
Interested in helping on the Festival Committee?
E-mail Marcia to help on our Festival Committee
The Festival of Tree's site has furtherinformation about the festival:
copyright(c)SHARE Atlanta '97-'06
Graphics on this Site are Copyright